Serving salad in wooden salad bowls is simply stylish. This is why most people purchase a wooden salad bowl and use it in home parties or family gatherings to create a unique look in the dining table decoration. Though plastic or glass made serving bowls are quite common but they can’t take the place of a wooden bowl ever. It’s kind of an antique trend now.
Wooden salad serving bowls are excellent undoubtedly, but taking care of it is quite troublesome if you do not know how to. Most people has this confusion about how to clean a wooden bowl? How to care for wooden bowls? You need to be careful to save it from the split and from causing cracks. Actually, if you take regular care and know when what to do to keep it safe, your wooden bowl will last long with the same new look.
Do you know the clean and care process of a wooden bowl? If you don’t, nothing to be worried about. This article will get you to know all the information on how to clean wooden salad bowls and how to store it for a longer time. Besides, we have added the seasoning and sanitizing processes also because these two procedures can help you awesome to ensure the best care for your wooden salad bowl.
Let’s get started.
Cleaning Process
A wooden bowl is 5 times more sensitive than bowls that are made of other material. That is why you need to take extra care while cleaning them. We’ve discussed in details on how to clean wooden bowls. Because a wooden bowl can get changed depending on many facts. For an example, a wooden bowl can get over dry or fuzzy often. Besides, split and crack is a common problem in wooden bowls. You need to be very careful to make it long lasting and look like a new one.
Following a proper cleaning process timely can keep your salad bowl perfectly ready to use always. We have found out some cleaning and caring way that works great for wooden bowls. If you want to ensure the best care for your wooden bowl, have a look on them and follow it exactly. Try to apply the process every time after use for the best result. Here it is given below,
To go with this cleaning process you need:
Dishwashing Liquid:
Use the regular dishwashing soap you use but it has to be a liquid soap.
Warm Water:
You need warm water to clean your wooden bowl. Don’t make the water too hot. Just warm it so that you can work with it.
Take a soft sponge. If you take a rough scrubber it will leave scratch marks on your wooden bowl.
Towel/Cotton Cloth:
It will be used to soak the water properly and to mop the bowl after wash. So, take a cloth that soaks water fast.
Get all these helping stuff to continue the cleaning process. Here goes the cleaning process below with the step-by-step instruction.
- Step 1: Clean the wooden bowl with a clean towel or cotton cloth to give it a basic clean.
- Step 2: Now, Take the sponge and apply some water in it. Don’t make it too wet.
- Step 3: Next, Apply 2-3 drops of dishwashing liquid soap on the sponge.
- Step 4: After that, rub the bowl with that sponge gently and continue for some minutes.
- Step 5: Now, rinse the bowl with warm water and rub while washing the soap off. Make sure the soap is properly gone. Wash until the soap smells isn’t gone.
- Step 6: When done, take the towel or cotton cloth and dry the bowl by mopping well. Set it in the dryer stand to get it properly dry.
- Step 7: Your wooden bowl is clean.
This is how you can clean your wooden bowl simply. Point to be noted, you should never ever put your wooden salad bowl in the dishwasher and always make sure it doesn’t get the chance to soak water.
The more it will soak water; it will start showing problematic symptoms like, split, crack or fuzzy dry. So, whenever you wash and need to apply water keep this major fact in mind.
Another thing you should keep in mind that, never apply any kind of oil in your wooden bowl. Only the mineral oil is the food safe oil for wooden bowls that are used while seasoning the bowl. Except that, don’t use any other oil. Keep your wooden bowl away from the reach of moisture. Moisture is the big culprit to ruin the wooden quality.
Clean your bowl immediately after use. Otherwise, the food debris may affect the wood and make it tough to clean. Besides if you want to keep it look like a new one till the end, you must apply the suggested cleaning process every time after use.
Care for Your Wood Salad Bowl
Besides cleaning your wooden bowl, every time after using, you need to do some extra care of it in order to keep it like new. Here are the wooden bowl care tips for you.
Usually, when the wooden bowl gets older it starts getting scratched and often loses the actual color. In such cases, just cleaning is not a solution. Here you need to follow the sandpaper formula.
Take a piece of sandpaper. Set your bowl on a flat place so you can hold it comfortably. Now, rub the inner and outer wooden area of the bowl with that sandpaper. It will start bringing back the actual look of your bowl with a smooth surface slowly. But don’t rub it too rough else it may get decayed.
Lemon and Salt:
Lemon and salt can bring back the lost performance of your wooden bowl. If your wooden bowl stinks cut a lemon in half and add salt on the top of it and rub the lemon on the stinky area. Salt works superb to remove all the tough and stuck dirt from the wooden blow.
Lemon has the power to remove any kind of stinks and also kill germs. Along with that, salt makes the power double as it also has the excellent cleaning power. So, apply this process very often to hold the freshness always.
Seasoning Your Wooden Salad Bowl
Seasoning wooden bowl is a process that helps to develop the performance of your wooden salad bowl. Whenever it gets fuzzy and feels like, oh it’s too dry! I can’t work with it. Just re-season your wooden bowl and see the magic.
It’s ideal to season your wooden bowl before you start using it for the very first time. Because, by seasoning your wooden bowl it will perform better than an unseasoned one. But the fact is, many people don’t know how to season a wooden bowl. Are you one of them? If you are, here is the seasoning process for you. Just go through the steps and you are done with the seasoning.
Things you need to go through the seasoning process.
- Mineral Oil
- Paper Towel
- Tissue Paper
- Step 1: Set your wooden bowl in a flat place. Next, take some mineral oil in a container. You can get it from your nearby grocery shop or order online.
- Step 2: Set the container on the stove and warm up the mineral oil in medium heat. When done, turn the stove off.
- Step 3: Now, take a piece of paper towel and dip in the oil. Don’t put it there for a long time. Just dip it and remove immediately.
- Step 4: Rub the oily paper towel on your wooden bowl. Rub every single area very well. The round bottom, inner area, and border sides all the places should get the touch of the oil.
- Step 5: When done, soak the extra oil with tissue paper. You are done with the seasoning process.
Sanitizing Process
When you are done with the seasoning and cleaning of your wooden bowl, here comes the most important fact, the sanitizing process. It’s normal to wash the bowl before and after use. But with time the wooden bowl need a special process to sanitize it. As it’s a health issue everyone should be very careful about this.
Just by washing with soap or other stuff every time it won’t make your wooden bowl sanitized properly. Know the sanitizing process below.
What you need during the process.
- White Vinegar
- Warm Water
- Step 1: Take water in a container and set on a stovetop to warm up the water. It shouldn’t be too hot.
- Step 2: Now, take some white vinegar in a small bowl. You should take it according to your bowl’s size. Whether it’s a small one or an extra large wood salad bowl take white vinegar as per the size.
- Step 3: Pour the vinegar into the wooden bowl and add some warm water. Keep it like this for five-ten minutes. Then wash it off. Your wooden bowl is sanitized. Do it at least once in a month.
How to Choose The Best Wooden Salad Bowls
Besides ensuring the best care you must be very careful about the quality in order to buy best individual salad bowls. No matter how much you take care of it, it won’t last long if the quality isn’t good.
Besides, If you are a beginner it’s normal you won’t know which one is good for you as you don’t have any past experience. If this is the case, what you have to focus on while purchasing in order to get the best one is here,
- Material: You must check what kinds of wood are used to make the bowl. The durability of the bowl depends on this fact the most.
- Size: Get the size you actually need. Either it’s small or a large size picks the one you need.
- Design: You will find various designed wooden bowls but you have to choose the classy design and obviously the one that is easy to clean.
- Shape: Round, oval, square get the one you prefer the most. Besides, these bowls are available in sets including 4-6 mini bowls and single large bowl as well.
- Price: Whatever you buy however online or direct from the shop make a good research on its actual price.
Cleaning, seasoning and sanitizing the three most important cares of wooden salad bowls that ensures its durability and great performance. By reading this article you will get clear idea about these three caring processes along with needed instructions. So, read the whole article very well to keep your so precious wooden bowl clean and ready to use always.
Hope the article was helpful. Thanks for being with us until the end.